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Sedation Dentistry
in Clark and Milburn, NJ

Achieve a Healthy Smile Without Fear

Why Choose Garden State Dental Design for Sedation Dentistry?

At Garden State Dental Design, we understand that the fear of discomfort can be a significant barrier to receiving the oral care you need. That's why we offer sedation dentistry, a safe and effective approach to dental treatment that uses oral sedation or other dental sedation methods in addition to local anesthesia to help you relax and feel more comfortable during treatment. Let us give you the care you need with the kindness and comfort you deserve.

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Sedation Dentistry at a glance

  • Reduced Anxiety & Fear: Sedation dentistry helps alleviate fear, allowing you to undergo treatment with greater comfort and ease.
  • More Relaxed Experience: You'll feel calmer and more relaxed during your treatment, making the dental experience less stressful.
  • Improved Oral Health: By overcoming dental anxiety, you can maintain optimal oral health through regular dental checkups and treatments.
  • Comfortable Recovery: Following sedation, you'll experience a comfortable and monitored recovery period in our dental office.

Let Nothing Hold You Back

What is Sedation Dentistry?

At our offices in Clark & Millburn Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective technique that utilizes sedation to help patients relax and feel more comfortable during dental appointments. It's ideal for those who experience fear of general anesthesia, fear of pain, or a strong gag reflex, making it difficult to tolerate a trip to the dentist.

  • Sedation dentistry helps patients feel calm, relaxed, and at ease during dental procedures.
  • It’s a moderate level of sedation, making you technically awake but feeling very carefree.
  • This type of sedation is also known as conscious sedation dentistry or “twilight sleep”.
  • In most cases, this level of twilight sedation can improve your experience without you going completely unconscious.

Overcoming Dental Anxiety

How Sedation Dentistry Can Help

Dental anxiety shouldn't hold you back from achieving a healthy smile. Sedation dentistry offers a powerful solution by alleviating anxiety and fear associated with most dental work and visits. This allows patients to feel relaxed and comfortable throughout their dental procedure, and some may even fall asleep entirely.

This translates to a more tolerable experience, especially for longer or more complex dental treatments. Ultimately, sedation dentistry empowers you to overcome anxiety and maintain good oral health by receiving the dental care you need. If dental anxiety has caused you to delay necessary dental procedures, don't wait any longer. To learn more about sedation dentistry Millburn & Clark patients should contact Garden State Dental Design today to explore how it can help you achieve a stress-free dental experience.

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Explore Your Options

Types of Sedation

At Garden State Dental Design, we offer various sedation dentistry treatment options to help you feel relaxed and comfortable during your dental procedures. Here's a breakdown of the different types of sedation we offer:

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation utilizes a medication, such as Halcion, administered in pill form. This oral medication induces a state of drowsiness and relaxation, allowing you to feel calmer and less anxious during your dental appointment. It's a widely used and effective technique used in dentistry for patients experiencing dental anxiety or fear.

IV Sedation

In some cases, a deeper level of sedation may be necessary, particularly for longer or more complex procedures. IV sedation involves administering sedation through an intravenous (IV) line. This method offers the quickest way to achieve deep sedation, putting you in a state close to sleep. You will likely have little to no memory of the procedure itself.

Conscious Sedation

Conscious sedation is a technique specifically designed to manage dental anxiety and treat patients with certain medical conditions (comorbidities or medications) that may make traditional dental procedures more challenging. This method utilizes medications like nitrous oxide (laughing gas), diazepam, or midazolam to induce a state of relaxation while still allowing you the patient to remain somewhat responsive throughout the procedure.

The Sedation Process 

What is the Sedation Dentistry procedure like?

Sedation dentistry is designed to be a safe and comfortable experience for dental patients. By understanding the process and what to expect, you can approach your dental appointment with greater confidence. We prioritize your comfort throughout your dental journey. If you've opted for sedation dentistry, here's what you can expect during dental treatment:

Before Your Appointment

  • Consultation: During your initial consultation, Dr. Szabela will discuss your medical history, anxiety level, and the specific dental sedation procedure planned. This helps him determine the most suitable sedation method for you.
  • Pre-medication Instructions: Depending on the chosen dental sedation type (oral, conscious sedation, or IV), you may receive specific instructions regarding pre-medication or fasting beforehand. Be sure to follow these instructions carefully to ensure a smooth and safe experience.

The Day of Your Appointment

  • Arrival: Upon arrival at our dental office, our friendly staff will welcome you and ensure you feel comfortable and relaxed.
  • Administering Sedation: For oral sedation, you'll take a medication to induce relaxation. For IV sedation, a thin needle will be inserted into your vein to administer the medication. The medication will take effect gradually, allowing you to feel progressively calmer and more at ease.
  • Monitoring Your Well-being: Throughout the procedure, Dr. Szabela and our team will closely monitor your vital signs and level of sedation. We utilize advanced monitoring equipment to ensure your safety and comfort throughout the entire process.
  • The Dental Procedure: Once you're adequately sedated, Dr. Szabela will perform your dental procedure. Depending on the sedation level, you may remain awake but feel very relaxed, or you may fall asleep entirely.

After Your Appointment

  • Recovery Area: Following your dental sedation procedure, you'll be transferred to a comfortable recovery area where you can rest and be monitored until the effects of the sedation wear off.
  • Post-operative Instructions: Dr. Szabela will provide specific instructions regarding post-operative care and any medications you may need. Depending on the level of dental sedation, you may experience some drowsiness, so arrange for a ride home after your appointment.

Sedation Dentistry

Frequently Asked Questions

Any medical procedure has some level of risk of complications. Patients experience side-effects differently, and some people with sleep apnea or obesity will need to speak with their doctor or their dentist beforehand.

The effects of nitrous oxide wear off quickly, and you can possibly drive home.

  • IV sedation and oral sedation stay in your system longer and require more time for the side effects to fade (up to several hours).
  • Side effects of oral sedation include drowsiness, nausea, heavy or sluggish feeling, headache, low blood pressure, slow reflexes, slurred words, lack of coordination, lightheadedness, tingling sensation, slowed breathing, and foggy memory or memory loss.

The cost of dental sedation varies depending on the procedure and length of time it takes. On average, you can expect to pay between $125 – $200 for mild to moderate dental sedation only, and over $500 for deep sedation. No fees should be presented, as cost varies significantly.

It depends on the dental insurance provider and the type of procedure. Some dental companies label sedation and anesthesia used in dentistry, under “non-essential dental procedures”.