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in Clark & Millburn, NJ

Realize Your Best Smile

Why Choose Garden State Dental Design for Veneers?

Luminous and healthy-looking teeth are a primary component of any great smile. Dental veneers (or teeth veneers) offer the ability to transform the appearance of one or more teeth with little or no downtime. 

At Garden State Dental Design, we offer advanced dental treatment options alongside compassionate care to ensure a high-quality overall experience and long-lasting satisfaction. To learn more about our custom veneers Millburn & Clark patients should schedule a consultation to discuss the advantages of smile makeover.

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Dental Veneers at a glance

  • Veneers are a fast and safe way to rejuvenate your smile.
  • They re-sculpt, recolor, and strengthen the teeth.
  • No one will know you have veneers – they’ll only notice your gorgeous smile.
  • Veneers offer a complete cosmetic transformation with minimal recovery.

Smile Authentically 

What are Dental Veneers?

A veneer is a thin shell that covers the front surface of a tooth to improve the appearance of discoloration, shape, length, spacing, damage, or wear. Remember the blocky, fake, overly-white Hollywood smiles of a few decades past? Unfortunately, that’s what comes to mind when most of us think of veneered teeth. But today’s improved porcelain materials and technologies ensure beautiful, natural-looking teeth.

At Garden State Dental Design in Clark & Millburn veneers are offered to provide you with an impeccably natural-looking smile makeover without the use of implants or other more extensive procedures.

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A Streamlined Experience 

What is our veneer procedure like?

At Garden State Dental Design, the procedure is simple, the outcome is predictable, and we'll help you keep your veneers looking great for a long time.

  1. The doctor takes the time to understand exactly what you want to accomplish: your concerns and your cosmetic goals; to custom-design a smile for you.
  2. We start with a thorough evaluation, including digital impressions, photos, facial scanning, bite records, x-rays, and an examination to ensure the gums and teeth are healthy. An appropriate relationship between the bite and jaw is crucial to the longevity of veneers.
  3. Digital smile design will be presented for a pre-visualization prior to making prototypes. Prototype veneers (replicas of the permanent ones) are made and tried on to allow you to “test drive” your new smile before starting treatment. We make minor shaping and placement adjustments, as desired, and you wear them for a few days to get feedback from friends and family during this trial period.
  4. With your approval on the design, teeth are shaped by removing damaged or unsightly enamel: this process can take as little as two to three hours depending on the number of teeth being treated, and final impressions are taken.

Our Master ceramist makes your individual, permanent, porcelain veneers. At your delivery appointment, the porcelain veneers are bonded to your teeth; this attachment is, in most cases, as strong as the bond of natural enamel to dentin. You’ll return for final polishing and finishing several weeks later. We recommend hygiene visits every three months and specific home care regimens (brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash) to ensure your porcelain veneers continue looking like new. We encourage the use of a bite guard at night to protect your veneers from wear.

Bright, Even, & Beautiful

What conditions do dental veneers address?

Our Millburn & Clark veneers are an excellent option for addressing a variety of issues concerning the appearance of your teeth. Here are some cosmetic dental conditions that dental veneers can treat:

Stained or Discolored Teeth: If your teeth are stained or discolored and teeth whitening treatments haven’t delivered the results you want, veneers can provide a long-lasting, luminous smile. Veneers are made of a stain-resistant material so that you can enjoy your brightest smile for years to come.

Chipped or Cracked Teeth: Minor chips and cracks can happen to anyone, often adversely affecting confidence and the aesthetic quality of your smile. Veneers can cover up these imperfections and restore a full and even smile.

Worn Teeth: Teeth can become worn down over time due to various factors. Veneers can restore the size and shape of teeth for a youthful appearance.

Gapped Teeth: If you have small spaces between your teeth, veneers can close the gaps to create a more uniform smile.

Uneven Teeth: Veneers can be applied to reshape teeth that are uneven, misshapen, or too small.

Misaligned Teeth: Veneers can’t dramatically fix misaligned teeth, but they can address minor misalignment issues.

clark veneers patient smiling

Put Your Best Smile Forward 

What areas of the mouth can Dental Veneers address?

Veneers are typically used on the front teeth, specifically the incisors, canines, and sometimes premolars. These are the teeth that are most visible when you smile and speak.

Reasons to Smile 

What are the benefits of Veneers?

Porcelain veneers offer a transformative solution for enhancing your smile, addressing a variety of dental imperfections such as discoloration, chips, gaps, and misalignment. With our veneers Clark & Millburn patients can take advantage of numerous benefits, including: 

Aesthetic Improvement

Porcelain veneers offer a significant transformation in your smile, correcting issues like discoloration, chips, gaps, and misalignment.

Stain Resistance

Porcelain is less prone to staining compared to natural teeth, helping your smile stay brighter for longer.

Durability and Strength

Made from high-quality materials, these veneers are strong and resilient, closely mimicking the strength of natural tooth enamel.

Minimal Tooth Alteration

Unlike other cosmetic procedures, veneers require minimal alteration of the natural tooth, preserving more of your natural tooth structure.


Veneers are highly customizable in terms of shape, size, and color, ensuring they blend seamlessly with your natural teeth for a natural-looking smile.

Fast and Efficient Procedure

The entire process of getting veneers is relatively quick and efficient, making it a convenient option for those seeking cosmetic improvements.

Improved Oral Health

By covering damaged or weakened teeth, veneers can help protect against further deterioration and improve overall oral health.

Long-Term Solution

Offering a balance of aesthetics and functionality, porcelain veneers are a long-term solution for enhancing your smile.

Ready to Shine

Are porcelain veneers right for me?

Porcelain veneers are suitable for individuals looking to improve their smile’s aesthetic appearance. Ideal candidates are those with healthy gums and teeth, looking to correct issues like misalignments, gaps, or discoloration. Your natural teeth remain largely intact beneath the veneers. A small amount of enamel is removed to accommodate the veneer, but the overall structure and health of the tooth are maintained. A consultation with our dental professionals can help determine if veneers are the best option for you.

After Your Treatment 

Dental Veneers Recovery

Recovery after dental veneers is generally manageable. Here's what you can expect:

Immediately After: You can usually resume normal activities right away. However, there might be some minor discomfort as your mouth adjusts to the veneers.

First Week: Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold is common. Use toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth and avoid extreme temperatures in your food and drinks. Sticking to soft foods and avoiding hard, chewy, or sticky candies can prevent discomfort and ensure your best outcome.

Two Weeks: Most discomfort should subside within two weeks. You might still be adjusting to speaking and chewing with the veneers, but this will improve over time.

How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

Dental Veneer Results

With proper care, porcelain veneers can last for over 20 years, between 10 and 15 years. Their lifespan depends on factors such as oral hygiene practices, lifestyle habits, and regular dental check-ups. Maintaining veneers is similar to caring for your natural teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups are essential. Avoiding teeth grinding and wearing a protective guard during sports or while sleeping can help prolong their life.

Recommendations for preserving your veneers:

We recommend hygiene visits every three months and specific home care regimens (brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash) to ensure your porcelain veneers continue looking like new. We encourage the use of a bite guard at night to protect your veneers from wear.

millburn veneers patient smiling


Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of dental veneers depends on the material used and other factors. When you come to Garden State Dental Design, we will be happy to discuss all aspects of your treatment to ensure you receive the best solution for all of your needs.

A full set of veneers typically ranges between six and ten per arch, as this is enough to cover the visible portion of your smile. 

For some patients, veneers offer a less expensive and less invasive alternative to dental implants. However, some conditions may make implants a more beneficial and cost-effective solution in the long term.

Generally speaking, veneers protect the underlying tooth structure to prevent damage and decay. Maintaining your veneers is essential to preserving the health and aesthetic quality of your smile.